Guest Post Guidelines

We appreciate your taking an interest in our blog. And if your interest goes as far as wanting to contribute with a guest post, please do. But, first, we encourage you to read this page. It intends to give you sufficient information regarding the content we want on our blog and the submission process.

Have an idea? Enjoy writing? We look forward to hearing from you.


Before writing
  •  Contact us at [email protected] and we'll provide you a relevant topic for your article, or you are welcome to offer yours.
  • Get a general sense of the style we use in our blog. You should stick to it when writing.
When writing

Good submissions are, first of all, original, substantive, experience-based, data-driven, and overall engaging posts that tell our readers something useful and new. Not limited to them, here are some topics we are interested in:

  • Your personal experience with VPN Unlimited

You may want to describe how you use our VPN app in your non-trivial way, give a protip, or something like that.

  • General VPN- and internet-related subjects

It may be recommendations on how to properly choose a VPN provider, highlights of latest internet freedom trends, news, legislations and so on.

Article structure requirement

Eye-catching headline
Engaging intro
(introduction to topic)
Development of topic
(further attract readers interest)
Bullet list
(numbered list or table)
(summarize your main points)

General guidelines

  • Your article should be purely informative. Any product/service promotion is not allowed.
  • Stick to relatively simple language without innuendos, cussing, and too much slang.
  • Aim at 600+ word count.
  • Don’t directly compare us with competitors and don’t link to their pages.
  • Don’t push any hot buttons. Meaning drugs, cheating, porn, religion are not to be touched.
  • Make your post well-structured and easily-read. Use heading, subheadings, and lists.
  • Optionally link to our existing related content (blog posts or Info pages).
  • Optionally suggest pictures.
How to submit

Send a link to your guest post written in Google Docs to [email protected] with the subject line 

“VPN Unlimited Blog pitch”.

  • Get a general sense of the style we use in our blog. You should stick to it when Along with it, include a short bio and, optionally, a link to your social media. These will be used to sign the post..
After submission
  • Having submitted your post, it becomes our property. This means that you are not allowed to republish it anywhere else.
  • We reserve the right to modify your guest post any way we see fit, as well as update it in the future.
  • We may request that you make edits before we make ours.

P.S.: If you want to add the URL of your website in a guest-post, you are required to include a link to one of our blog-posts in your new article on your platform as well. We will help to choose the one that best suits your topic. We reserve the right to not add your website URL, in case it doesn't meet our requirements.


Note: We respond to all contributors, whether or not their posts be accepted. We strive to review each request in a timely manner, so, please, be patient.